Featured / December 8, 2023

Ruth Dancer delivers vision for sustainable equestrianism at World Horse Welfare annual conference

Ruth Dancer was invited to open the annual World Horse Welfare conference hosted at the Royal Geographic Society in November 2023, where for the first time, the environment took centre stage.

Talking about her ‘simple vision’ for equestrianism, Ruth addressed a filled auditorium and viewers from across the globe, answering the conference question ‘horses and the environment: friend or foe?’

The full speech can be viewed here https://www.worldhorsewelfare.org/about-us/our-organisation/our-conference?gclid=CjwKCAiAmsurBhBvEiwA6e-WPDfTbEed9ApZxN7517WE-oS8G5XDReN5uzEQR0NedjMkBzd1ruwqixoCoVYQAvD_BwE



World Tote Association puts the environment at the top of the agenda

White Griffin Director, Ruth Dancer, delivered the keynote speech at the 2022 inaugural WOTA conference


White Griffin create flagship education project with the British Racing School

The partnership will enable the education of the whole British horse racing industry in the fundamentals of environmental sustainability

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