Site visits for managing yards with the environment in mind

Running an equestrian business can come with a whole host of challenges, but we want to ensure that sustainability isn’t one of them! We offer site visits with practical solutions for minimising your environmental impact.

Get the right advice

Our experienced consultants can advise on a range of topics including energy and resource use, water and waste – which have opportunities for great cost-saving benefits. We can also identify ways to reduce your carbon footprint, and enhance biodiversity around your yard.

What do our yard visits entail?

Arrival or pre-visit chat

Your chance to tell us all about you, your horses and your yard so that we can tailor the recommendations to suit your needs and priorities.

Site Walkaround

Take us on a walk around your facilities, where we will be able to note opportunities for sustainable improvements. Our focus areas include:

• Water use
• Energy use including lighting
• Stable and manure management
• Turnout and associated infrastructure (i.e. fencing)
• Soils and land management
• Arena management

Plus more +

Initial feedback and observations

We will provide you with any initial thoughts and ‘easy wins’ for making changes to improve sustainability at your yard.

Carbon footprint calculation

Let us talk you through the equine carbon calculator and how to use it. We will complete an assessment with you whilst we are on site, if you wish!

Post visit report

A summary report with details on our observations, bespoke recommendations and potential cost savings is provided to you following the site visit.

Schedule a site visit

Get in touch with us today.

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